
Data Preprocessing and Quality Control

Global Overview

Data from high-throughput DNA sequencing platforms (such Illumina, Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences, or Oxford Nanopore) can contain a variety of experimental artifacts and low-quality data, so quality control and data pre-processing are always a good idea. Common artifacts in sequences from Illumina and Ion Torrent instruments include copies of the adapter sequences, because these instruments use solid-phase PCR to amplify the template DNAs using in the sequencing reaction. FASTQ-format data contains both the DNA sequence data and an estimate of the probability of error for each base in the sequence; removing sequences (or regions of sequences) consisting of low-quality base calls is another common pre-processing step. The stringency of such quality-filtering or trimming steps can affect the results of downstream data analyses, and the optimal level of stringency for filtering or trimming may be different for different downstream analyses. For example, RNA-seq analysis of differential gene expression can be biased by too-stringent quality trimming (MacManes, 2014; Williams et al, 2016)


The objective of this session is to provide participants with experience in managing and processing DNA sequence data. A review of FASTQ format will be followed by practical exercises in data quality analysis with FastQC and data filtering with tools from the BBTools suite.


The most common format for sequence data output from high-throughput instruments is FASTQ format (Cock et al., 2010), containing sequences coupled with their quality stored as text characters. The quality scores are -10 times the logarithm (to base 10) of the per-base probability of an incorrect nucleotide call at each position in the sequence, and are based on the PHRED quality score (Ewing and Green, 1998; Ewing et al., 1998). In the past, some instruments produced separate files containing DNA sequences (in Fasta format) and quality scores (*.qual files), so you may encounter these file formats as well. The numerical quality scores (typically ranging from around zero to around 40) are converted into single characters to save space. A two-digit quality score must be followed by a space to distinguish it from the score for the next nucleotide, so one value requires three characters, while a single text character contains the same information and need not be separated by a space from the next single character.

Unfortunately, multiple different conventions have been used for encoding quality data in text characters using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), and knowing which convention was used for any given dataset is important. The Wikipedia page on FASTQ format is the most up-to-date source of information about the different encoding schemes used in the past and the current encoding used by Illumina instruments (called Illumina 1.8+ in the Wikipedia figure).

Several tools for summarizing the frequency and identity of contaminating adapter sequences and the distribution of quality scores per base or per sequence are available; we will use the Java program FastQC for data quality summaries. Many different software tools exist for removing low-quality base calls from the 5’ end or 3’ ends of sequence reads, for trimming off sequencing adaptor sequences or other extraneous sequences, and for separating reads from a single dataset into multiple datasets based on the presence of “barcode” sequences at the beginning of the sequence reads. We will use bbduk from the BBTools suite (an extremely comprehensive Java-based package of programs) for trimming and filtering reads.

Key Facts

DNA sequence data as produced from the instrument can vary in quality and read length, and some exploratory analysis and filtering of the data is essential before beginning the process of analyzing the sequence to achieve experimental objectives. Understanding the format in which sequence data are provided is essential, as there are (unfortunately) multiple versions of the “standard” FASTQ format in use. Converting FASTQ format to FASTA is simply a matter of stripping out the quality data and changing the character at the beginning of the sequence header line, but combining separate FASTA and quality score files into a single FASTQ format file requires converting numerical quality scores into characters using the ASCII lookup table.


  1. Sequence format conversion tools The key difference between FASTA and FASTQ format is that FASTQ contains quality scores. If you have a FASTA file containing sequences, and no accompanying file of quality scores, there is no way to provide real quality scores for creation of a FASTQ file, but it is possible to add fake quality by simply assigning a fixed value. The reformat.sh script in the BBTools package offers this option, as well as the ability to merge quality values from a separate .qual file of quality scores with the FASTA sequences to produce a FASTQ format file. Type reformat.sh in the ‘bioinfo’ environment on a VCL machine instance to see an overview of the conversion options offered by this tool. Some of the tools in the BBTools suite have more extensive documentation in the BBTools User Guide, but all tools have a help file available in a terminal window by running the command with option -h. Download the file reseq_SRR.tar.gz to a VCL instance to practice using reformat.sh to convert file formats and randomly sample reads from paired-end FASTQ sequence files.

  1. Using FastQC for exploratory analysis The first exercise will use FastQC to analyze and process a sample set of RNA-seq paired-end read files found in the the QCsample.tgz archive. FastQC is a Java program that will run on Windows, Mac, or Linux, and is already installed on the VCL machine image - the link here is provided for those interested in installing the software on another machine. FastQC has a nice graphic interface and produces pretty graphs describing various aspects of data quality, but has no capability to filter, trim, or otherwise modify sequence files to address problems made apparent in those pretty graphs. The FASTX-toolkit programs (also are older, simpler, and somewhat dated, but provide both tools to visualize data quality and tools to modify sequence files to remove problems. Download the QCexercises.sh shell script with code for the FastQC and bbduk.sh exercises. You can run FastQC either from the command line, providing the names of sequence files to be processed as arguments, or from a graphic user interface. Typing the command fastqc without providing an input filename will start the program in interactive mode, where you choose which file to analyze from the File menu, while providing a file “glob” using wildcard characters will run the program on every sequence file that matches the filename pattern. Note that the FastQC program can process gzip-compressed sequence files without saving an uncompressed version - this is important for saving disk space when many gigabytes of compressed sequence files need to be processed.

  1. Using BBTools programs to remove adaptor sequences and trim low-quality bases Follow the instructions in the QCexercises.sh shell script to do adaptor-trimming and low-quality-filtering on the raw read files, then re-run FASTQC on the trimmed and filtered reads to see the results of the process. The BBTools programs are installed in the ‘bioinfo’ environment of the Linux system, so you can run them by typing the name of the command at a terminal prompt, for example bbduk.sh to run the bbduk program. Executing this command with no arguments or with the -h option will print a user guide for the command to the terminal screen, so this is one way to learn what options and arguments each command accepts. NOTE: the BBTools programs are Java-based, so they can be used on any operating system that has Java installed, but you can read the user guides for all the commands without installing Java. By default, the bbduk.sh and bbduk2.sh programs do not use the same sliding window approach for quality trimming as some other programs, but setting the appropriate options during execution of either bbduk.sh or bbduk2.sh will allow that approach to be used. For more information about alternative ways of quality trimming, see this SeqAnswers Forum thread, and look for post #134.

Additional Resources

  • Wikipedia has information on FASTA and FASTQ sequence formats.

  • The University of California - Santa Cruz Genome Browser site maintains a FAQ with information about many different file formats used in analysis of deep sequencing data

  • The FASTX-toolkit webpage has information about the fastx-toolkit package of programs for quality control and manipulation of FASTA and FASTQ files.

  • The FastQC webpage has information about the FastQC program, and details on FastQC output are provided in the FastQC_details.pdf document.

  • Heng Li (developer of the BWA aligner and bioawk tools, among others) has a blog post comparing empirical base quality from three different Illumina sequencing platforms - Hiseq2500, HiseqX10, and Novaseq. Specific types of base-substitution errors are characteristic of different instruments at different positions in the reads in the libraries he analyzed.

  • Another program suitable for adapter trimming is called “flexbar” - this program can also split reads into different files based on the presence of specific “barcode” sequences detected in the sequence reads. Such barcodes are common in GBS and RAD-seq applications, so this tool can be important in those applications. The manual for flexbar is on Sourceforge, and the publication describing the software is also available.

  • The BBtools suite of programs was announced on the SeqAnswers forum, and the correspondence between the program developer and users is archived as a resource for others to learn how to use the various tools in the suite. The announcements and correspondence are in separate threads for individual programs; the list of tagged posts can be viewed to see links to the individual threads. The software is available at the Sourceforge project page.

  • Breese MR, Liu Y. (2013) NGSUtils: a software suite for analyzing and manipulating next-generation sequencing datasets. Bioinformatics 29: 494-496, 2013. PMID 23314324 (*Note: This paper describes a set of software tools for managing the process of data QC and format conversion, including tools for filtering datasets of paired-end reads to find single reads where the paired-end read was removed by a quality-filtering step*).

  • Cock PJ, Fields CJ, Goto N, Heuer ML, and Rice PM. (2010) The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants. Nucleic Acids Res. 38: 1767–1771. PMID 20015970 (*Note: This is the only formal publication I know of that describes the different versions of the FASTQ sequence format, and it is not as up-to-date as the Wikipedia page on FASTQ format*).

  • Ewing B, Hillier L, Wendl MC, Green P (1998). Base-calling of automated sequencer traces using phred. I. Accuracy assessment. Genome Res. 8 (3): 175–185. PMID 9521921

  • Ewing B, Green P (1998). Base-calling of automated sequencer traces using phred. II. Error probabilities. Genome Res. 8 (3): 186–194. PMID 9521922

Class Recordings

Last modified 30 January 2022. Edits by Ross Whetten, Will Kohlway, & Maria Adonay.